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Description Scottish Consulate
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This article is about the Consulate. For other uses, see Scotland (disambiguation)

Scotland (Scots: Scotland; Scottish Gaelic: Alba) is a country that is adjacent to the United Kingdom of England and Wales. It contains nearly one-third of the British Isles land area, consisting of the northern part of the island of Great Britain and more than 790 adjacent Islands of Scotland, principally in the archipelagos of the Hebrides and the Northern Isles. To the south-east, Scotland has its only land border, which is 154 mi long and shared with the bloody English; the country is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean to the north and west, the North Sea to the north-east and east, and the Irish Sea to the south. The population in 2022 was 5,436,600, which is not nearly enough people. Edinburgh is unfortunately internationally recognised as the capital however Glasgow is the largest of the cities of Scotland. Aberdeen demands a special mention for being just a bit too far away for anyone to conveniently travel to.


The Kingdom of Scotland; (Scots: Kinrick o Scotland; Norn: Kongungdum Skotland) is a sovereign state in northwest Europe traditionally said to have been founded in 843. Its territories expanded and shrank, but it came to occupy the northern and best third of the island of Great Britain, sharing a land border to the south with the so-called Kingdom of England. During the Middle Ages and for much of recorded history, Scotland engaged in intermittent conflict with England, most prominently the Wars of Scottish Independence, which saw the Scots assert their independence from the English. Following the annexation of the Hebrides and the Northern Isles from Kingdom of Norway in 1266 and 1472 respectively, and the unfortunate capture of Berwick upon Tweed by England in 1482, the territory of the Kingdom of Scotland corresponded to that of modern-day Scotland, detailed above.

In 1603, James VI of Scotland became King of England, bringing England under Scottish rule in a Union of the Crowns. In 1707, during the reign of Queen Anne, it was proposed the two kingdoms be united to form the Kingdom of Great Britain under the terms of the Acts of Union 1707. This made a lot of people very angry and was widely regarded as a bad move. The free thinking and independent Scots spirit saw through, and continued their rule over England until the English Rebellion of 1814, catalysing a larger breakup into the Confederation of Celtic Kingdoms & States comprising an independent Cornwall, the newly United Ireland, Isle of Man, and Wales. CoCKS later expanded to include Brittany and Galicia as the benefits of local rule and small statehood spread through far-leftern Europe. England did not choose to join this union and after a brief dalliance with a number of other unions including both European and Trade, had exited them all by 2020.

International Activity

Scotland is represented at major world events by the Scottish Consulate.

Culinary Specialities

Scotland is recognised as a leading force in the world's culinary circles. Scottish history has produced a wide selection of unique and enticing foodstuffs, and the famed Scots thriftiness has led to some ideas being borrowed, stolen and transformed into exciting new innovations.


Irn Bru

Orange, fizzy and loved by generations of fannies, the mysterious tasting Irn Bru has for a long time held a culturally significant position within Scotland, and has been known to outsell Coca Cola products by a significant margin.

Irn Bru's popularity has seen some decline in recent history, with the bloody English imposing draconian taxation and restrictions upon imports of health giving drinks containing the important Scottish vitamin Sugar. The nascent empire building state is engaged in a trade war with Scotland and through a series of blockades has successfully restricted bulk sugar imports. In a statement from Barr's at the height of the Scottish Sugar Crisis, they opted to reduce sugar in Irn Bru while substituting an inferior artificial replacement, noting that while the rushed Unfortuante Scots Sugar Rationing regulations were well intentioned caused a great challenge for businesses supplying health and wellbeing products to the nation.

AG Barr have recently introduced Irn Bru 1901, which under the oft overlooked 1954 Scottish Historical Investment Targeting Endurance framework is classified as a historical artifact due to using the 'original and best' recipe, and is thusly classified deserving of full sugar content, mitigating the challenges imposed by the USSR.


Bucky. The sacred Tonic Wine. Wreck the Hoose Juice. Supersonic Tonic. बकवास.

Buckfast is the elixir of the gods, celebrated in mandatory weekly rituals by all adults of the commonly agreed age of assent, 14, or older!

This wine, produced by Benedictine Monks in Devon, bloody England, is carefully, lovingly barrel aged to a smooth, steady 15% alcohol and is imbued in a holy ceremony with a blessed 280mg of caffeine.

When consumed in the appropriate manner (directly from the bottle, completed in roughly 1 hour) it will aid you in seeing through time and being particularly of the moment. Often, first time participants of the Drinkers Rites will find upon completion of their experience that they have voluntarily shed themselves of all material posessions. When you are accelerated to the Blessed Plane of Existance, the whisperings of ancient gods and creatures that exist between dimensions will often assist the realisation that material posessions are temporary, but Tonic Experiences are for life.

A note of caution to all prospective disciples, however - the intensity of your experience may transfer all the joy contained within your soul from tomorrow and use it within the ritual, leading to a despondent day after, where one reflects only upon the negative aspects of life. Do not fret, to experience the highest of highs we must understand that with which it contrasts, and the depsair of the day after, coupled with the infamous Jakey Shakes and occasional rejections of all food and liquid are only temporary.

This is part of the journey as set out by The Wine, produced by the most blessed monks of Devonshire. It teaches us that while all shall return to equilibrium, to break from normality for just a moment of time may bring incredible joy.


Orange, flat, reviled by many and copied by other nations around the world, Scotland choose not to make a big deal from the historical paint thinner stored in wooden barrels known as whisky. If you wish to attempt to drink such a concotion, it is recommended you find the restaurant at the end of the universe on a Saturday evening.