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Page title matches

  • [[File:Aeropressfunnel.jpeg|thumb|left|alt=Funnel for an Aeropress coffee brewer|What even is this thing?]] {{Interest
    167 bytes (26 words) - 22:04, 15 August 2018

Page text matches

  • ...Source Software, Interest:Photography, Interest:Python, Interest:Railways, Interest:Raspberry Pi
    378 bytes (50 words) - 11:55, 29 August 2018
  • ...nterest:Water Towers, Interest:bees, Interest:cidre flows, Interest:radio, Interest:repair
    1 KB (158 words) - 16:17, 28 August 2018
  • ...:Radio, Interest:Raspberry Pi, Interest:Sarcasm (vicious), Interest:Games, Interest:Knitting || Sunday || Kettle, [ Rpi], coffee, espresso machine, lockpicking tools & locks, film camera, ~8mt cat5 cable
    2 KB (218 words) - 09:51, 31 August 2018
  • ..., Interest:Coffee, Interest:Hugs, Interest:Juggling, Interest:Lockpicking, Interest:Tea ...rself to a Zen moment and make some coffee on the rocketstove, we'll bring coffee again =]
    1 KB (185 words) - 16:17, 25 August 2018
  • [[File:Aeropressfunnel.jpeg|thumb|left|alt=Funnel for an Aeropress coffee brewer|What even is this thing?]] {{Interest
    167 bytes (26 words) - 22:04, 15 August 2018
  • You can find people who may be interested in getting your ticket at [[Ticket_Exchange]]. ...- Allows only outbound traffic, similar to having your device on a typical coffee shop network. This will provide a bit of extra security, and potentially s
    14 KB (2,560 words) - 14:01, 30 August 2018
  • ...:Art, Interest:Music, Interest:Open Source Software, Interest:Photography, Interest:Role-Playing Games Start your day right! Drop by for some coffee, stay for the howls. Science has proven that the first howl of the day is
    2 KB (304 words) - 13:16, 1 September 2018