Village:Hardware Hacking Area

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Hardware Hacking Area


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Description The Hardware Hacking Area is a huge area at Workshop 3 (by Camping F) for people of all ages and skill levels to come together and play, teach, learn, and share in many and diverse realms of making all sorts of physical things.
Contact User:Maltman23
Activities hardware, hardware hacking, solder, soldering, electronics, surface mount, rework, PCBs, Neurohacking, mind, sleep, bci, eeg, music synthesizers, music, art, craft
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Name Arrival Departure Bringing Arrived?
Kliment Wed Jun 1 11:00 Mon Jun 6 9:00 Surface mount electronics stuff, lights, joy
Maltman23 Wed Jun 1 14:30 Mon Jun 6 17:30 74.6Kg of Hardware Hacking Area stuff
Sai Thu Jun 2 14:00 Mon Jun 6 12:00 blind stuff (canes, braille labeller, frame & stylus, etc)
3 inhabitants. Refresh this list.

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Hardware Hacking Area

We're the hardware hacking area. We'll bring a bus that unfolds into a large tent, and hack on hardware under that. We'll have workshops and tools and a bunch of people ready to help and teach. You can learn to solder, learn to build things that blink and/or make noise, and generally have hardware fun.

  • Location: Workshop 3 (map), by Camping: F, at the end of the main road into camp.
  • Time: All day & all night throughout EMF.
  • People: All ages, all skill levels, all welcome!


Want to teach a workshop, give a demo, or talk about your project? Please do! We have an area for giving workshops and talks about all sorts of cool physical projects of all sorts, with plenty of table and ground space. Please contact Kliment if you want to contribute.

Draft schedule

Day Time Event Presenter Space Max # people
Wed 1 June all day ish Setup HHA
Thurs 2 June 18:00-20:00 SMD workshop for Orga & friends of the HHA Kliment Small space (3 tables), SMD setup 12
Fri 3 June 13:00-15:30 Digital Music Synthesis Mitch Large space (6 tables), screen, irons 30
16:00-18:00 SMD for terrified beginners Kliment Small space (3 tables), SMD setup 12
16:00-17:00 Build Your Own Z80 Retro Computer Kit Spencer (overlaps with previous workshop) Small space (3 tables), irons 12
17:00-18:00 Hebocon robot building workshop Tamar Large space (as much as possible), needs helpers 50
18:00-20:00 Build/Solder your own Metal Percussion Synthesizer Darren Small space (3 tables), irons 15
20:00-22:00 Build your own Geiger counter Yannick Large space (all irons), screen, irons 35
22:00-23:30 LED Strips Everywhere for Everyone! Mitch Large space (5+ tables), screen 25
Sat 4 June 10:00-12:00 Build your own Geiger counter Yannick Large space (all irons), screen, irons 35
12:00-15:00 Layout the EMF badge Kliment Large space (as much as possible), screen, laptops 50
13:00-14:30 Blinkenrocket/Learn to solder overflo (overlaps with previous workshop) 25
15:00-18:30 Arduino for Total Newbies Mitch Large space (5-6 tables), screen, irons 25
19:00-21:00 SMD for terrified beginners Kliment Small space (3 tables), SMD setup 12
Sun 5 June 10:30-11:30 Solder some solar Matthew Large space (6 tables), soldering irons 30
12:00-15:30 Arduino for Total Newbies Mitch Large space (5-6 tables), screen, irons 25
17:00-19:00 SMD for terrified beginners Kliment Small space (3 tables), SMD setup 12
16:00-18:00 Rakit Drum Synth - Build/Solder your own Drum Synthesizer Darren (overlaps with previous workshop) Small space (3 tables), irons 15
19:00-finished Teardown