This space was created for families to introduce themselves. I haven't created a village because we're in a camper.
Flint Family, we're driving from Edinburgh so won't be there until Saturday morning:
Tom Flint (43) Likes Arduino and Processing, love to learn new stuff.
I will be bringing some circuit bending stuff and conductive ink.
Sam Flint (13) Likes Minecraft, Live code, video games and will be bringing Pathfinder.
Josh Flint (9) Likes Minecraft, stop frame animation and whittling with his swiss army knife.
Andy "Bob" Brockhurst (38) Like robots, 3d printing, Arduinos/AVR, soldering, brewing beer, marksmanship (rifles), teaching kids to programme and pretty much everything at EMFCamp.
Lindsey Brockhurst (*redacted*) Likes making cakes, painting, arts and crafts. Hates camping (making this fun!)
Alex Brockhurst (2.95) Likes cake, robots, cake, fast cars, breaking things and cake.