
From Electromagnetic Field

We have various obligations under "Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005"

This is not complete, but from a quick scan the following seem to be a start...

We need to

  • Assign a 'responsible person'
  • Carry out a fire risk assessment (and record the findings)
  • Act on assessment including informing people about escape routes etc...
  • Provide emergency lighting during darkness (and in marquees?)
  • Have escape routes signs (at least two paths out)
  • assign a 'muster point' external to our site but near enough and large enough to hold all attendees
  • have an adequate method of recording who is on- (and off-) site in case of emergency
  • Not sure about UK regs, but Fire Points are a good idea anyway - a collection of fire extinguishers and sand buckets so any small incident is dealt with faster than 999 can be called.

What this impacts on

  • Site plan (e.g. Fire escape routes through campsite)
 * These will need to include fire access lanes and fire breaks (and will need people to enforce them staying clear of e.g. guylines and cars
  • Marquee setup
  • Power requirements (emergency lighting/backup supply?)
  • Signage (needs to be lit at night)
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