
From Electromagnetic Field

We need your help getting the EMF site ready in the week before the event, and taking it down afterwards.

Our license allows us to have a limited number of people on site during fit-up and takedown, and we're still short of people who can join us on site to help out on Wednesday.



If you're available to come and help us set up, fill in this form to let us know. We'll email you with details.

Fit-up crew can join us on site from 10am on Tuesday August 28th.

(If you previously filled in the table on this wiki, your details have been preserved.)

Set up schedule

Put times in bold once they have been confirmed with the supplier.


08:00 License commences, 10:00 Staff on site


  • 09:00 - Collect cherry picker (Nifty 170) from PlatformSales - contact Tony
  • 10:00 - Telehandler arrives from Ace Plant MK - contact Keith
  • 10:00 - Both versatowers delivered from SiteOne, put up and ensure LoS - contact Peter
  • 12:00 - Fencing - from Eliott
  • 13:00 - Generator and power distro kit arrives from Templant (requires telehandler) - contact Neil
  • afternoon - Lighting and festoon scaffolding from Impact - contact Peter
  • 17:30 - Apparently the BMXers have a weekly(?) practice, numbers TBC
  • Toilet arrives from SPS hire - time tbc


  • Mark out site from site plan, requires stakes and red/white tape
  • Fence needs to be installed
  • Transport Benny's GRP to site
  • Erect GRP
  • Install initial scaffolding lighting poles
  • Take down and store barbed wire fence.


Site must be secure


  • 10:00 DragonWave kit delivered by RapidWireless, with 2 engineers
  • 10:00 Marquees arrive in telehandle-able boxes to be placed close to pitches
    • Will need at least 20 people to set up the marques (under direction) 40 would enable 2 teams
  • 16:00 Staging and AV from SiteOne
  • Furniture - when? who from?
  • Showers arrive from Tardis enviromental time tbc
  • Water arrives from water direct time tbc


  • Fit remaining lighting poles



  • 100 Straw bales - not sure if they'll fit under the bridge so we may need to move them by hand. SamLR will confirm time on Wednesday


  • Stage A/V and streaming set up & testing
  • Initial briefing for volunteers


  • Afternoon - red diesel top-up of generator + telehandler before weekend - TBC


  • 08:00 Gates open, site goes live
  • 12:00 Bar opens for first time? confirm with Bar
  • 15:00-16:00 first talks/opening ceremony? confirm with Events


12:00 Facilities off 14:00 Last attendees leave


  • Fuel, refill generator tank so return full - when?



  • Straw bales will be collected in the afternoon. SamLR to confirm time
  • Toilets removed (hopefully late Monday, may be Tuesday)
  • Furniture
  • Marquees
  • Food van


17:00 license ends, everyone off-site


  • Litter pick site


  • SiteOne to derig and collect towers
  • Rapid to collect DragonWave kit
  • AV gear
  • All remaining rented kit to be collected
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