From Electromagnetic Field
< Planning
Warning this was another long meeting
Contents |
- Paul
- Russ
- Mark (ms7821)
- Jonty
- Will-h
- Martind
- Jasper
Actions from last meeting
Taken from Electromagnetic_Field_2012/Planning/Minutes/2012-03-20#Next_Steps
- The site and date has been announced on twitter
- Russ has been adding trees to Open Street Map. Site plan is not available yet, but one of the main outputs was the circumference for the fencing hire.
- Estimated distance required for fencing is 1-2km
- Costs so far around the £0.50 - £1.00/metre price.
- Unsure if this includes putting it up, in which case it could add 100%
- Artag posted some good photos of the site on flickr. Jonty has some of under the bridge that weren't captured in the existing ones.
- Sponsorship
- Jonty's contact is still in USA
- Will-h says there is potential sponsorship opportunities from Bytemark
- A sponsorship pack should be created (what you get for what price etc).
- Other site users - Paul has had a reply from the Biker's club who had a similar looking event there. No reply from BMXers yet.
- Russ is in the process of doing the application with MKPT for the site. This is dependant on some meeting's from them as well.
- It was decided building a bridge across the river was an unnecessary complication and expense.
- Toilet rental has had some progress (below), but still needs to be followed up.
General Meeting Points
- The site needs to be re-visited in other weather to see the impact. When sunny, raining, Northerly wind, dark etc.
- We will have people organising/setting up/tearing down from Tuesday - Tuesday
- Internet needs to be sorted.
- Need to speak to BlueSq in MK
- Probably a good idea to block book some cancelable rooms at a Premier Inn or similar
- Need a calendar of deadlines
- Car Park tickets will be sold
- We will need some kind of plant hire/4x4/quad bike
The Barrel Bikers had some good advice to offer initially which included:
* It is advisable to fence off the "trench" under the roadbridge as otherwise some clever-dick in a 4x4 will try to go through there and get stuck as its very deep (voice of experience trying to tow out 4x4's!) * You need to have people "manning" the gate by the road as otherwise all your parking will fill up with people for the cycle track. When we explain that we have an event the cyclists are usually happy enough to park cars along the verge by the road. * The site is known as one where events are held. Ensure anything of value is secured at night or you have people patrolling. Generators are particular targets for theft. * If your event is a paid one you will need to have either a wristband system or some form of marshalling in place as there are several ways for people to get on site without paying. * If you want to get portaloos on site you need to ensure the company you are using have a vehicle which will fit under the bridge as most portaloo delivery vehicles will not fit. * Same goes if you have trade stalls attending the event - you need to warn them about the bridge as anything bigger than on of those high roof transits wont fit.
A lot of time was spent updating the budget. Hopefully this has more realistic prices in it now.
- Probably worth making a wiki page for this.
Paul's Brain Dump
[PNG File] - Some ideas we need to think about with organising a festival.
Toilets / Sanitation
- Toilet prices seem to start at £115 each for 3 days - does this include VAT/Delivery/Cleaning/Emptying etc?
- The number of toilets is an undecided point.
- During setup and teardown we need some (1 or 2) - This will be Tuesday-Tuesday
- Similar sized events seem to have a lot more than the HSE limits
- Bearded Theory cap. 500 ppl, around 40 toilets
- West Dean cap. 1500 ppl, 50 toilets (+ a few permanent toilets in building)
- Boomtown cap. 1500 ppl, maybe 30 toilets and that was far far too few.
- More data points of similar sized events needed
- Sinks/washing facilities
- Showers would be nice (especially if people are going to be onsite for over a week) but not essential at this stage. Price dependant
Actions for next meeting
- Website to be updated with date and location - Russ
- Site plan/map finalised
- Produce layout for site - Russ
- Ask MKPT about high res imagery/existing maps - Mark
- Plan site visits around weather - TBD
- Upload site visit photos - Jonty
- Sponsorship packs to be created - TBD
- Follow up Barrel Bikers contact and chase up BMXers - Paul
- Logo for site/event - Russ
- Speak to BlueSq about internets - Jasper / Will-h
- Book some rooms at a local hotel - Mark / Will-h
- Set up Google Calendar - Paul