From Electromagnetic Field
< Planning
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As usual let's focus on important issues: anything that effects immediate change.
- Ticket Review
- Pls move all your open tasks from old meeting minutes to Lighthouse
- Jasper needs private tickets: move to self-hosted system?
- CfP
- Ticket sales
- Infrastructure
- Advisor team
- Water, power, toilets, fencing
- Internet
- Licensing/security
- Sponsorship
- Russ
- Martin (crypt)
- Filbert
- Tgeer
- Paul
- Alison
- Jasper
- Jonty
- Martind
- Please move all your open tasks from old meeting minutes on the wiki to Lighthouse
- Jasper needs private tickets - but this can be done in Lighthouse so we will keep using it for now
This is frozen now and will be sent out this week. Possibly too long, could do with a shorter blurb one paragraph to summarise it - martind to do that and send it out tomorrow
Ticket sales
- Not ready yet because website isn't complete
- See GitHub - there are tickets in there to complete - people to have a look this week.
- We will be charging a £30 deposit, via bank transfer or GoCardless. No creditcards.
The next deadline is getting insurance (and seeing how the T&Cs will affect what we can and can't do).
- Advisor team
- Three people plus Will-h volunteered. Mcfly as well.
- Tom might come and meet us at some point.
- Site visit with non-londoners will happen at some point followed by a meeting in pub.
- Should we invite anyone for village organisation etc?
- Water
- Have quote from WaterDirect for tanked water and plumbing etc.
- Assume for the moment we won't have showers
- Toilets
- We are using Thistle Loo Hire
- £980 for the toilets
- £280/clean (and empty? to be checked)
- Delivered Thursday
- Removed Monday
- Do we need any/all before/after those dates? Probably. Tbd.
- Prices are excluding VAT
- Delivery vehicle can fit under bridge!
- How many times should we get them cleaned?
- Ordered: 8 loos, 4 urinals (in one block), and 1 disabled
- Deposit a month in advance, full amount before delivery
- Deposit is 20%
- Power
- Benny says fairly confident can be done <£5000 for power and cabinets
- IP rated boxes should be investigated
- We should check with Benny
- Are there any H&S, electricity at work act etc legal documents we should comply with?
- Fencing
- Ordered 1.75 km fence and comes with bases
- We need cross supports, do they provide them?
- Price: £2100 inc vat
- £600 deposit paid.
- Full amount 2 weeks before event
- Will they spread it around the site?
- Do we want/does it come with a second joint for fencing?
- Internet
- Matthew Lovell contacted about Bluesq site, email exchange tomorrow, no confirmation yet.
- Plan A is wireless hop to BlueSQ then some transit? from there.
- Can we do the wireless in one hop? Check this.
- Chris Cox from Optimitry might be able to help at cost, he is coming to hackspace, keen on getting it done. No confirmation yet.
- Possibly have cheap free wifi kit.
- Quote for Ruckus kit hire £1200 exc vat. £125 for insurance. From
- Nat Morris has Cisco routers.
- Cable and wireless has minimum one year contract. Marketing dept might be able to help.
- Need sponsorship pitch.
- Advantis satellite will be plan B
- Plan C, is something (possibly FTTC) from A&A,
Things to talk about
- Licensing / Security
- Russ to chase up SAG, for provisional response.
- How much does SIA cost? worth checking and provisionally putting in budget?
- Licenses for alcohol covers amplified music
- Event plan to be done ASAP. For next week?
- Risk assessment to be done
- Sponsorship
- What do we want sponsored? or just general stuff/money?
- Have we got a pack? need to finalise what we offer.
- Banners on site are a possibility
- Safety, Site lighting, Fire safety
- Festoon lighting hiring, looking at ~700m (7 x 100m)
- hire,buy extinguishers
- phone fire brigade for advice?
- Food and concessions
- milliways
- food vans etc.
- is mark in charge of this?
- create some tasks
- Martin williams has friend with 30m mast.
- Do we need a cherry picker for site survey?
- Campervans: there is space, but what if people get stuck? Needs to be looked into