From Electromagnetic Field
< Planning
ChaosPad was here.
Team Updates
Administration (Russ / Nick)
- Sending TEN this week, will be £21, but waiting for Alex/Yaxu for any more to add to risk assessment about Under-18s
Treasury / Budget (Russ / Nick)
- Paid for site rental & towers; £517.24 left over + €40
- Next up is deposit for power. Need to sell tickets for that.
Power (Russ/Will)
- Will H to book telehandler training this week for Will H, Benny and Russ in mid August (EMF will cover half the cost for 2 people)
- NM and WH are going to get a final kit list together for power next weekend, with a view to getting this all booked w/c 9th July
- Planning to add basic site lighting requirements into power equipment hire
- We need your power requirements, otherwise you will get nothing! (showers?)
Sanitation (Crypt)
- Final quote for litter: quote was just under £2000, so pretty over budget. Crypt still investigating.
- Fence quotes: they forgot, will apparently provide a quote soon.
Internet (Davidc/Jasper)
- Towers deposit paid (half of it, other half in the future)
- Deposit for radio gear to pay soon, total price is £1650 inc VAT
- SFP loan confirmation
- Router installed in Telehouse, 1 more cable to be found for transit. Pulsant will install a cable in ~2 weeks for the link to MK.
- Nat has collected switches and access points from Cisco.
- Need to start buying small things; credit cards suggested, to be expensed at a later date
- Streaming to be discussed when there's more info
Web Infra (Mark / Jasper)
- Functionally complete to go live this week, needs testing ASAP.
- Google Checkout coming after ticket launch.
- Launching ASAP, with announcements on Friday.
Vendors (Clare)
- I have been in touch with a number of caterers and have confirmation from that they can cater for the event. I have emailed details as the conversation was rushed.
- I have possible confirmation from two others, and have emailed a spit roast stand that may be able to be there.
- See for more details.
- Russ has a couple more leads (Burrito, spitroast)
(From Charles)
- I have held back from contacting non food vendors until we have a price and tickets available as they will be paying for a ticket and pitch in the vendors tent.
Venues (Charles)
- My contacts for cheaper hire of lighting and staging equipment can't confirm prices as of yet, more info asap.
- Can the deposit for furniture hire be high on the list for payment as when trying to get some extra quotes in places are running out, don't want to loose the good quote we have.
- We need to organise hay bales!
Transport (?)
- Waiting on OU, Alex calling this week.
- Someone needs to look at Milton Keynes Coachway parking.
- Needs a lead!
- Volunteers team to provide drivers?
Volunteers (Oni)
- Sam taking over from Ben
- Beginning recruiting, looking for CRB + First Aid
FirstAid (Oni)
- Ben keeping organisation of First Aid
- No change, urgently needs an update
Security (Oni)
- No change, other than recruiting
Badge (Charles)
- Charles has been revising the design, thinks can include wireless and cheaper too
- Might want help with software
- Need to contact sponsors for fabbing this week
Sponsorship (Alex)
- Good progress, hopefully the badge will be covered
- Now have 3 sponsorship levels: Silver £1k, Gold £5k (up to 5), Platinum £10k (1/2 spaces)
- Need to work out two main uncertain sponsors
- Who needs to be brought up to speed as backup for when Alex is on holiday?
Bar (Russ / Charles)
- Nagging in progress about ratios, etc.
- Overtures to potential bar managers made?
- Russ needs to talk to Pembury Steve.
- Mark is acquiring fridges.
- Russ needs to talk to Club Mate about sponsorship.
Merchandise (Stavros)
- Logo is finalised, Jonty to send out later.
Communication (Martin, Jonty)
- Long chat with Scary on Tuesday
- She updated the event blurb
- Also wants to help with other communication stuff
Events (Martin, Jonty)
- Martin's on holiday
- We should look to approaching speakers (email details to Jonty)
- Jonty's been talking to sponsors for talkers, too. They're all discussing internally, some very excitedly.
- Anyone who knows people who are interesting, have lasers, etc. please get in contact.
- Nick in contact with IRL gaming groups, they seem tentatively interested
Under 18's (Alex)
- No change (i.e. announce with full ticket sales)
New entry: Video & Audio Streaming (Chris)
- Chris (Naxxfish) has reappeared - we need to get people around him
- What sort of infrastructure requirements will the streaming team need?
- Birmingham 2600 have truck with gear for streaming, etc. Jonty's put them in contact for requirements.
- Bytemark have offered streaming hosting
- Russ to get U18 update from Alex
- Mark to email people to request testing on website
- Mark to contact designers to get something up
- Russ talk to Clare
- Someone get an authoritative answer on MK Coachway
- Everyone to organise a lead for this team
- Someone to contact sponsors for fabbing this week
- Mark to source fridges
- Russ to reconcile Scary's stuff with wiki and website for launch
- Everyone to get all lists of names, etc (Sam from Bugs, B-Sides, etc) to Jonty
- Jonty to contact Games, Music, Biohackers, 3D printers, lockpickers for villages
- Jonty to contact Brunel Uni for contacts, too
- Someone to get info from Chris on requirements