From Electromagnetic Field
< Planning
Team Updates
Administration / Treasury / Budget (Russ / Nick)
- Sold 4 tickets in last week. This SUCKS 123 paid tickets so far
- 18~19 outstanding full tickets
- Require 275 full tickets & 45 day tickets
- Assuming 175 tickets sold best case loss of ~£10k
- Need to know re downscaling water, showers, etc.
- Need price for rubbish collection
- ACTION: Russ to email re situation.
- Large budget items are not scaling with number of people or easily shifted
- Need update on Marquees (Solexious to supply soon)
- Insurance need confirmation on this year's flood dates - may have underwriter if this info can be got
Power (Russ/Will)
- Power order has been confirmed
- Need to order sundries soon
- WH will book Telehandler training only two people being trained now to avoid excessive costs
Sanitation (Crypt)
- Most can't be scaled down 10k L smallest available tank, majority of budget used in fixtures etc
- Possibly reduce number of toilets and/or number of cleans
- ACTION: Crypt to get site plan and confirm quote for rubbish
- ACTION: Russ to look at reducing amount of fencing (e.g. along river)
- currently 18 portaloos booked; 350 people predicting 22 total
- ACTION: Russ & crypt to confirm number of portaloos need this 2 weeks before (i.e. 2 weeks from today)
Internet (Davidc/Jasper)
- Jasper's just back
- Cacti's now been set up
- More of the switches are configured
- UPSes are in testing at the moment and looking fine so far
- DHCP and forward/reverse DNS now auto-generated from our master spreadsheet
- Syslog server is installed
- Wireless LAN controllers are now connected to the WCS
- Icinga is installed and partly configured
Web Infra (Mark / Jasper)
- Ready to do day sales
- ACTION: go live with day sales
- EMFM want some sort of scheduling for their site (volunteers please!) contact ms7821 or EMFM team
- ACTION SamLR will try to make some basic header & footer banners to improve design
- stop accepting gocardless when 6 working days left.
Vendors (Clare)
- ACTION confirm with Clare minimum number of sales required for vendors to appear
- ACTION Based on the above cancel vendors?
- ACTION look at buying BBQs etc to run food at the event
Venues (Charles)
- Mcfly happy with quoted cost for marquee
Transport (Alison)
- There is paid parking near the train station
- There are 311 spaces near the site a site rep will be carried out
- Barrel bikers mentioned using the verge 100 spaces
- Details on wiki
- DECISION to kill minibus (not enough sales, too much to organise)
Volunteers/Stewarding/Infodesk (Sam)
- Now have a google for use in organising
- Have a google spreadsheet showing the rota & time calculations
- Need to create a sign up system (either via a google form or specific page on website)
- Need to order ~5 Tabards (2 for roaming stewards, 1~2 for car parking and 1 spare)
- Do we want to include perks for helpers during set up?
- limiting perks to people who sign up for >3 shifts gives ~£15 /3-shifts.
- T-shirts ~£5.5 / each (incl P&P, based on the t-shirt printer
- Food £5 voucher, sandwiches, big thing of X....?
- Can run bar with one person, remove minibus from volunteers, only 1 car park attendant on 1 day
FirstAid (Oni)
- Equipment ordered
- Have 3 committed first aiders
- Require first aid area in HQ (bed + blankets + chairs) cordoned off from the rest of the tent
Badge (Charles)
- Shenanigans occuring re sponsorship but willing UK fabrication company located and that can go ahead
- Meeting/Hackathon on Wednesday
- We have a UK fab house that will make the badge for us at a discount.
- 15 day turn around so need to order asap (they will do their best to cut the 15 days down as much as possible)
- Please get anyone you trust to look over the design files on github (as I have been doing)
- Meeting this Wednesday at the seabright arms to work on the game mechanics/code
- Please vote on colour for the badge (no effect on price):
- Green
- Red
- Black
- Blue
- White
Sponsorship (Alex)
Bar (Russ / Charles)
- Bob says CAMRA will rent us stillage & bar (needs retrival with long wheel base van, trailer or similar 8'6") possible beer retrival
- ACTION ms7821 will look at rental
Merchandise (Kitty)
- Trails undergoing (tomorrow)
Communication (Martin, Jonty)
- ACTION Jontyw to contact press tomorrow (MAKE, Boing boing, BBC....)
- Jake howe to create fliers & posters
Events (Martin, Jonty)
- Jontyw would like a volunteer to help as martind and he are busy
- ACTION SamLR & Crypt to contact martind & Jontyw about this
Topics of the Week
- Look at aquiring BBQs etc for group cooking
- Look at food storage
- Whiteboard of 'person X going to supermarket...'