From Electromagnetic Field
< Planning
Team Updates
Administration / Treasury / Budget (Russ / Nick)
- We've sold 17 new camping tickets in the last week. Portcullis have cancelled 4 of theirs and we've had one other cancellation, so net increase in tickets is 12.
- This brings the total to 132, of which 39 are un-upgraded pre-sales.
- I sent out a pre-sale reminder today which has shifted some (and 11 are portcullis who are paying, so that's actually 28 remaining).
- £5,400 plus €1,320 in the bank, as well as £2,700 in pending payments
- I have FINALLY received the remittance advice from UCL, so their money will be with us in at most 3 days.
- Cancellation insurance is not happening. The upside of this is we have saved ~£1k on the budget.
- New sponsorship from O'Reilly.
- Have applied budget reductions to AV and fencing (thanks Charles)
- STILL NO NEWS ON RUBBISH! (Can we just get a skip?!)
- Water is sounding even more ludicrous - £22 per person
- Our current break-even point is now 220 camping tickets and 30 day tickets (or equivalent).
Power (Russ/Will)
- Templant delivery will include a full tank of fuel (1000ltr), sale or return on it – we pay their cost plus 20%. Everything confirmed with him today, aiming for delivery on the Tuesday afternoon.
- Likely to run out of fuel at some point, we need to source a local fuel supplier with a small tanker that can come and fill us up. Templant also said it’ll be cheaper if we can
refill the tank ourselves before they collect it, red diesel ok.
- Someone needs to take on this as an action
- Working on lighting order at the moment, struggling to find lighting towers that have no generator (we want 16A in)
- Telehandler booked with Ace Plant, they are asking for plant insurance certificate
- Telehandler training for Will and Benny - still to be booked
- Will-h to book training
- Telehandler / plant insurance, we have none, we need some
- Someone needs to take on this as an action
Sanitation (Crypt)
- We're getting skips. Fuck the professionals.
- Get skips use golf cart, telehandler & land rover to transfer to skip
- Need smaller bins (oil drums, rings on trees?)
- ACTION: Showers need to be contacted based on new estimates
- ACTION: Toilets need to be contacted based on new estimates
- ACTION: Fencing talk to them tomorrow
Internet (Davidc/Jasper)
- We have to start ordering supplies this week to be sure of getting them on time. Budget is ~£786.31, of which about half is cable. David and Will are happy to front this on credit card iff they are guaranteed repayment within 30 days...
- Yes, no problem, send Russ receipts and they'll be paid immediately (but let's make sure we don't over-buy cable given reduced capacity)
- Remaining cables plugged in in Telehouse and tested
- UPSes, extra battery shelves and PDUs tested successfully. Approx 30 minutes runtime at 8.4A test load. 36-48 hours to charge so we need the genny up >98.5% of the time :-)
- Environmental monitor installed and tested for pretty temperature graphs.
- Cacti / phpweathermap setup.
- primary ssid's have been setup and tested (emfcamp, emfcamp-2.4ghz, emfcamp-5ghz, emfcamp-staticip)
- spacefed/spacenet setup started, we've got the shared secret etc,
- Eduroam for hackspaces
- John Fawlty knows about this (re LHS spacefed)
- still looking for outdoor IP camera to mount on mast, any leads?
- Jonty might buy one
Web Infra (Mark / Jasper)
- Day tickets are ready to go, need price and quantity
- Russss says we can just float the payment systems so don't need to worry about disabling payment methods early
Vendors (Clare)
- Apologies I can't be there - migraines are my idea of Hell...
- I have got these two confirmed. I have not heard back from cafechameleon yet so will email again.
- We have booked from Thursday afternoon - ready to supply us hungry people who will be setting up there :D
- We also have who will be able to veggie and vegan food too. I am going to email them to see when they would like to arrive today.
- Baked Bytes Bakery will be offering cakes and sweet treats. (aka Charles and Clare in a motorhome)
- ACTION: Opening hours for vendors
- Look at BBQ supply
- Oil drums (~5) available for all
- Sale or return on food & charcoal
- ACTION Mark to acquire a 3rd fridge (first 2 for bars)
Venues (Charles)
- AV now restriced to 1 venue
- Tents and furniture for 2 - this av will be supplied by kindness
- ACTION: Haybales, we need them
Transport (Mark)
- Will visit the site this Fri eve to check out the Park&Ride
- Investigating a minibus, trying to find a cheaper way of renting, looking at £500ish now
- Provisional for £15 on site parking ticket (only with proof of need TBC)
Volunteers/Stewarding/Infodesk (Sam)
- Needs help creating online form for scheduling
- ACTION: Write a specification
- ACTION: Send email to potential volunteers
FirstAid (Oni)
- First aid is going well. Just a few last orders coming in. Also, just need the space somewhere near the HQ tent reserved and out of view
- Aside from that, we have 4 people, vetted and ready to go
- Just need the tabards, space and last bits of gear to come in
- ACTION: Girl on twitter who was volunteering. Run a trace.
Badge (Charles)
- USB VID & PID obtained from the openmoko project
- Software licence will be GPLv2, not decided on hw licence
- Currently in production (in Scotland!)
- Should arrive by Friday 24th
- Any spares will be sold at the camp
- Help will be required for soldering & programming when they arrive
- Big drive to write code soon
- Possibly talk to adafruit etc about extra gear for programming & lights (avr usbtiny programmer)
- Need lanyards, charles is sponsoring
Sponsorship (Alex / Jonty)
- UCL are getting there! (Scary/Kate == AWESOME)
- UCL are sharing space on the board with manufacturing logo
- Have supplied 4~5 speakers (Scary is a supplying many)
- ACTION Jonty to talk to Zoe Laughlin re speaking
- O'Reilly have given us £500 of sponsorship + books + notepads (gubbins mean prizes)
- ACTION: martind to talk to Alex about OU: status, any chasing we can do?
Bar (Russ / Charles)
- Nothing further to report
- Should have access to transport for beer gear
- ACTION: Crypt to chase a man about a
dogbar top
Merchandise (Kitty)
- ACTION: Need to look at supplying t-shirts for screen printing, really need sale-or-return
- Can bulk buy t-shirts from about ~£0.75 (50+)
- ACTION: Kitty researching t-shirt ink
Communication (Jonty)
- ACTION make sure people are aware that they should bring a t-shirt for printing on
- Jonty has emailed all the spaces
- Getting coverage in various places (Hack-a-day, Hacker news)
- With sponsorship from O'Reilly hopefully getting coverage on MAKE
- BBC currently un-responsive, trying a back door (hurr)
- ACTION: Talk to Scary about BBC contacts
- Jonty talked to Register & Cory
- Now have poster that needs to be sent out
- ACTION: Need to print copies for LHS
- Stavros now working on camp guide & draft
- ACTION: Finalise copy for this
- Current aim is a foldable poster of the map (info on back)
Events (Jonty)
- Jonty's been to talk to music hackspace & bio hackers
- bio-hackers are coming & putting stuff on
- music hackers are unsure...
- ACTION: Jonty to email music hackspace mailing list
- Blacksmith insurance (Welding?)
- ACTION need risk assessment for blacksmithing
- ACTION need risk assessment for welding
- Have ~50 speakers
- Posted
- Need daily coverage of basic workshops:
- Programming the badge
- Basic soldering
- General programming
- Universal Air only available on Friday (quadcopters for all!)
- ACTION: talk to Glen about 3D printing
- Hexayurt need material for their yurt
- ACTION: contact games groups to organise village
- Retro games
- Indie games Contact might be George Buckenham
- The rig
- The beast (and find it) Contact is George Buckenham
- ACTION Talk to Sugru
- Have a HAM radio group coming may need to help
- ACTION talk to bugs for biohacking
- Simon Singh, Charles Stross, can't make it
- Ben Goldacre confirmed & excited, Tim Hunkin
- ACTION Talk to Brian Cox & Gia
- ACTION Talk to nottinghack about their village
- Need some help getting sound recording & streaming sorted
- ACTION Talk to independent media group for help
- Who is ordering red+white tape for marking out areas? also we need many stakes, plus material and paint to make signs.
- ACTION: crypt to organise
- ACTION sort look at sourcing hay bales
- Want 50 (Jonty says so)
- Talk about sale & return (painted and un-painted)
- Fire extinguishers?
- ACTION talk to existing suppliers for this
- Jonty and Charles need to place tent order ASAP
- Tents need to be confirmed NOW
- Payment 1 week before (no cash, no tent)
- Range:
- 24x21ft (£150)
- 15x15ft (£120)
- 5m 'bell tents' (£85)
- ACTION confirm which villages want a tent (need today, cash 1 week before)
- Milliways
- Condorkminium (Alex Mclean) (TBC)
- Nottinghackspace (TBC)
- Radio (TBC)
- MzTEkKk (TBC)
- 3D printing (confirm the actual village first)
- Tents we want:
- 2x Bell tents (Jonty and nick)
- How many tents are we providing?
- ACTION: Charles to liaise
- I know of hq, stage1, stage2, hackcenter - thinking about asking for 6 emergency exit lights??
- Jonty will now cover laser shiny
- Charles has decided to make the floaty video wall himself, reducing cost
- PCBs being made by stickleback, who we love
- Gate is sorted (sort of)
- Needs scaffoldings
- Tom Wyatt is making a flame thrower
- Need EL wire
- Net will be picked up
Topics of the Week
- Day ticket prices no right to camp, no badge
- £29
- Free or v cheap young children tickets?
- Free for under 5
- ACTION Refunds to already bought U5's
- General child/teen policy: who needs what level of adult supervision? Who can come alone?
- We will treat it on a case-by-case basis; "at our discretion". All under 18s on site need to be registered with us.
- In the run up to the event, should we hold quick mid week irc meetings?
- Yes
- mainly to check up on people
- SamLR to email Bugs about doing a microbiology talk
- ACTION: create team food (organise food from 'general store', tea urns etc)