From Electromagnetic Field
< Planning
Actions from last week
- Russ/will: Look up refils for the fuel tank (red diesel)
- Russ/will: Telehandler/plant insurance
- Crypt: revised shower estimates
- Crypt: revised toilet estimates
- Crypt: revised fencing estimates
- Mark: 3rd Fridge
- Clare: Vendor hours
- Haybales
- Sam: Volunteer's online form spec
- Sam: Email to volunteers
- Oni: First aid: Chase girl from twitter
- Jonty: OU Status
- Jonty: Talk to Zoe Laughlin
- kitty: T-shirt supply
- Kitty: Ink
- Crypt: bar top
- Jonty: email attendees about bringing T-shirt
- Jonty: talk to scary about BBC contacts
- Print posters for LHS
- Finalise copy for site guide
- Jonty: email Music hackspace
- Welding risk assessment
- Blacksmithing risk assessment
- Glen re 3d printing
- Contact games' groups
- contact sugru
- Bugs re biohacking
- Talk to Brian Cox & Gia
- Talk to nottinghack about their village
- Talk to independent media group for help
- Crypt to look at red tape for marking out
- Fire extinguishers
- Confirm which villages want tents
- Charles: liase with lighting over requirements
- Refunds for U5s
- Create food team?
Team Updates
Administration / Treasury / Budget (Russ / Nick)
- updated counts to include all gocardless sales (assume they'll go through)
- removed expired prepays
- current number 201 + 8~10 prepays
- £13k in bank (incl UCL money)
- £2k pending
- full confident assumes receiving cash from people
- 4 kids' tickets
- 1 day ticket
- Budget now assumes:
- 5 day tickets
- 5 kids' tickets
- need to sell 60 equivalent camping tickets (260 camping equivalent sold)
- Insurance not paid and £380 (£20k contents) this will likely increase (need ~£260k)
- finalised quote should arrive tomorrow
- google checkout require details to payout any further (Jonty's ID)
- One request for a refund
- will refund if we make a profit
- Refunds will be first come first served from surplus
Power (Russ/Will)
- Telehandling training happened today
- Revised DK layout, 9 in total - (9*60) £648 inc vat
- (6 in camping, 1 near the bar, 1 outside gate for camper vans, 1 spare)
- Need this confirmed and ordered so kit can be configured and labelled up
- Will and Benny are on a muddy telehandler training course in Sheffield
- Nat has placed the order for lighting with Impact in MK, came in at 558 (was original 1200 on budget)
- Includes festoon for around the site (has been added to the site plan)
- A few 500w halogens
- 9 par38 outdoor uplighters in yellow + red, for under trees / outside venues
- Internal lighting for only these venues; stagea,stageb,hackcenter,hq,food,gate
- For the bar only 1x20m of festoon has been ordered, anything else will need to be ordered seperately
- Benny has located some CT for measuring the load during the event, talking to SteveAstro about borrowing a meter
- Will is trying to source scaffold for poles to support the festoon, also looking for a supplier to build the gate.
- Still need to finalise which local fuel supplier we are using.
Sanitation (Crypt)
- Toilets need to pay this week
- site visit yesterday (looking for standpipe) photos emailed to admin
- would need keys for access
- most of the lawn mowed
- hay left at the moment
- need to look at clearing grass near car park
- estimate ~£10 per bin, need ~10-15
- suggest pop up laundry bins (£4 from ikea?) (can be found MUCH cheaper
- Suggest getting a skip (possibly 2)
- Suggest second hand sand delivery bags
- suggest metal rings to support bin bags
- Tying bin bags to stakes/trees?
- ACTION buy GOOD bin bags (free bin bag in goodie bag)
- Need: ONE SKIP. Two skips. N+1 skips.
- Showers invoice due soon ish
- ACTION check where to put showers
- ACTION plan getting water truck/ showers under bridge
- updated fencing cost in budget
- ACTION buy a mop
Internet (Davidc/Jasper)
- We have brought up transit sessions to Pulsant in MK and Goscomb in London, now announcing AS13020 and + 2001:67c:20a1::/48.
- Tunnelling site addresses back to the kit at Nat's house, onsite VMs are now directly accessible.
- Multicast peering setup with BBC R&D over LONAP, so access to various TV+Radio channels onsite.
- Jasper has configured spacefed and tested it on the wireless.
- We have ordered the backup Ubiquiti kit and some sundries.
- Our costs are now 3859, saved 700 this week by finding cheaper suppliers for items.
- Most of the switches are configured, need confirmation on DK order of 9 today to get this finished.
- Will is borrowing some servers from Bytemark to be used for onsite services, configuring them with Nat at the wkend.
- Agreed with Randomskk for antenna placement on the mast for balloon tracking, antenna + 45m of coax needs to be onsite for Tuesday night, Russ to transport.
Web Infra (Mark / Jasper)
- Sam has been trying to sort out a volunteer sign-up thing
- Action: NEEDS HELP
- timeline updated to include cost cutoffs
- ACTION implement euro cut off for the end of this week
- ACTION implement gocardless & bank transfer cut offs
- ACTION Sort out e-tickets
- each person has some sort of random number
- also accept photo id
- big print out on the door
- ACTION email all people with ticket info
Vendors (Clare)
- Cafe Chameleon have pulled out
- cites not enough people coming to the camp to make it worth while, despite other evidence
- Have figures for buying & renting BBQs & charcoal
- Propose setting up as food vendors for weekend
- People will be able to help, they will not need qualifications
- ACTION talk to milliways to organise food via IRC
- Need decision now
- First non food vendor Phenoptix
- Electronics people
- stuff n things
- getting table & chairs in workshop tent
- ACTION Jonty to email charles with info on universal Air's requirements for vending on Friday
Venues (Charles)
- Final order for marquees gone in (no response due to LARP)
- Confirmed with as many of the villages re getting tents
- bytemark
- Raspi
- Hackspace getting a 24' tent
- Mztek (may cancel Jonty will cover)
- ACTION Russss etc to begin plotting locations
- staging, sound & light for venue: alpha
- staging & light arranged for beta
- Bytemark are being asked to cover projectors & screens for venue
- slow response due to alchol poisoning
- Offered Hexayurt (in Winchester)
- need medium/large transit van to get it
- possibly mark's? land rover
- 1.4m x 2m
- Want to build at least one on site (Jonty to help cover)
- need to get wood for it
- Buy from builder's merchant
- need medium/large transit van to get it
Transport (Mark)
- Mat made it to MK for reccy
- ACTION get hold of National express for info on using park & ride to run the shuttle from
- ACTION look at managing vehicles on site
- ACTION will book the Minibus this week
- Find people to drive
- Look at deferring id supply to hire company
- Van hire for big stuff from London - the beast (@LSBU, contact via Nick/George), hexayurt from Winchester
- 2 days? (via winchester for hexayurt)
- Pick up beery geary
- ~£290 for 1 week of long wheel based transit
Volunteers/Stewarding/Infodesk (Sam)
- Not much to report, Sam needs to talk to volunteers
FirstAid (Oni)
- All sorted, everything is wonderful as long as everyone turns up.
- Waiting on St Johns invoice
Badge (Charles)
- Everything has arrived, except the badges themselves
- Need programming help.
- ACTION: Git repo and roping in people to help.
- Need help soldering
Sponsorship (Alex/Jonty)
- Phenoptix
- ACTION get back to them
- Coolcomponents
- Bytemark
- OU
- Need to liase on deals & speakers
Bar (Russ)
- Cash and carry
- Clare has account for booker (there's one in Northampton)
- ACTION need to check whether cash&carry /returns?
- Bar stuff can be arranged close to time
- ACTION need tills
- Secure storage for cash
- Car boot
- Hotel room
- look at night safe drops
- Secure storage for cash
Merchandise (Stavros/Kitty)
- Screen printing inks are expensive
- Look at buying t-shirts pre printed
- ACTION cost screen printing vs pre printed
- Look at carrying on screen printing due to high expense of ink.
- Alternative have all the volunteer tshirts pre-printed and some of the public for general selling.
- Cost of public tshirt sold?
- ACTION: Volunteers to print volunteer/team t-shirts prior to the event
Media/Comms (Kitty/Naxxfish)
- Glamour shots for sponsors
- ACTION: Need ink prices by tuesday/wednesday
Communication (Jonty/Martin)
- Guardian
- Will be online soon
- HN / Adafruit
- Should be on boing boing & make this week
- Action as Cory to speak
- BBC x 2
- will be filming during it
- Requesting people to talk to about fun stuff
- ACTION talk to them about sharing footage
Events (Jonty/Martin)
- Hexayurt
- Want to build 2
- also one from winchester
- More talks coming from UCL
- Villages
- Bytemark sharing with retro gaming
- many talks keep arriving
- ACTION organise talks list
- ACTION Classify talks into workshops, meets and talks
- ACTION add abstracts to talks
- ACTION "request a talk" list
Streaming (Naxxfish)
- Officially made it an active team on, with an induction from martind
- As it currently stands, we have enough equipment to cover vision on two stages and do live streaming, plus recordings.
- Need to firm up other AV requirements still.
- Still got quite a lot of sysadmin type things to set up - will be delegating where possible as soon as there is a proper plan (probably by the end of this evening)
- Number of sponsors approached, none especially interested. VisiononTV/donated use of tripods though.
- Will video stream via WebM/Theora from all stages, plus Ogg for audio only (EMFM etc)
- Recordings will be put onto YouTube (or something) and originals kept and mirrored. (to talk to Web team about getting the live YouTube/whatever channel on the website)
- EMFM tent wants to be located close to stages ideally!
- We need artwork/logos to make graphics! - disregard, I found
Topics of the Week
- What are our plans re. tickets & checkin?
- can we issue e-tickets? how do we scan them?
- Event structure
- Should we promote some talks as "Headliners"
- Need an schedule to sell day tickets (themes/day?)
- need to arrange around speaker's day
- Spit talks into "Talks", "Meet-ups" and "Workshops"
- let's set some key times so people can book their travel
- opening/closing ceremony
- shuttle service logistics
- Fit-up
- Please update the availability grid at the top
- If you have arrange for deliveries or collections add them in, include the agreed time and the name of the supplier
- What are we planning re. goodie bag?
- got offer for many Ubuntu CDs -- needs followup
- who can coordinate this?
- e.g.: as part of ticketing queue: put boxes down, hand out items along with wristbands
- NEED printed material and stickers
- Map
- info
- need this for Monday
- Look at long term storage options
- Printed shit
- weekend walk through
- ACTION Mark to find out about haybales
- ACTION Clare to email leslie about haybales
- ACTION organise straw for bar flooring
- ACTION: Jonty to confirm with all speakers
- ACTION: Jonty to contact Zoe Laughlin
- ACTION: Book a van for transport/yurt
- ACTION: Jonty email music hackspace
- ACTION: Jonty to email sugru
- ACTION: Jonty to Brian Cox & Gia
- ACTION: Russ to look into fire extinguishers
- ACTION: what to award prizes for (have O'Reilly books to give away)
- ACTION: Source bags for goodies (paper bags or manila envelopes - to be stamped)
- ACTION: offcut lasercutter keyring badges for goodie bag