From Electromagnetic Field
Who do we need to make packs for?
- Attendees
- Speakers
- Is a different pack needed for people organising workshops etc?
- Volunteers
- Vendors?
Several options
- Basics on a ticket
- URL on a wrist band
- lanyard ?
- leaflet
- full glossy program?
- swag bag?
- General introduction (probably use the Event_Guide)
- Where to follow
- Twitter hashtag
- Flickr
- etc
- FAQs?
- Where to follow
- Credits / 'the team'
- Volunteering
- how
- why
- roles
- Program - this can apparently be auto generated via pentabarf
- Title
- Speaker
- Where
- When
- Speaker info (i.e. websites etc)?
- Abstract/one line pitch?
- For workshops
- Prerequisites (e.g. "must know which end of a soldering iron is which")
- Level
- is it drop in or a set course? (cf. Mitch Altman's solder class @ maker faire with a taught sesson)
- Map
- Label areas e.g. North wood, Troll Bridge, Cory's corner, Ada-Avenue
- Village list?
- Who
- What
- Where
- Safety / rules
- some initial ideasand here -- TODO: merge these
- Camping
- don't leave unattended stoves
- try to make pegs/guy-ropes visible (e.g. tie plastic bag to them)
- Workshops
- General
- rule 0...
- Etiquette
- Photos etc