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- The code is on Github. Please use a branch for all changes except for bug fixes, or clone the repo and issue a pull request.
- Issue tracking is currently done on Github.
- You can find us in #emfcamp-web on Freenode
Everyone at the camp will require a ticket, any many more than one. We'll definitely be doing a soft-start and presales, and may be releasing tickets at different times (e.g. for Euro payments).
Ticket types
There will be different tickets for parking, prepay, etc. We also need to identify any disabled attendees so we can start communicating with them early. CCC also had "donate-only" tickets.
As there isn't a reasonably priced CC processor, and Paypal are currently well known for jeopardising events by hoarding ticket money, we only want to accept payments by bank transfer or direct debit.
Tickets should be reserved for 10 days to allow the payment to clear. We want people to be able to pay for tickets .
Direct debit
DDs (GBP) are done by GoCardless, who charge 1% commission and have an API.
Bank payments
Transfers are reconciled by downloading the list of transactions and checking a reference number. For European visitors, we'll have a Euro bank account, which may require a separate process.
Bank references are opaque and designed to avoid corruption when written down/texted/etc.
Google Checkout
Takes GBP for Visa and Mastercard: we're using the v2.4 XML API. The sandbox is set up on Further documentation:
- Integration checklist
- Technical overview
- Notifications
- Resending notifications - hopefully won't be needed
- XML schema and reference
- Adding analytics