Speakers List: Difference between revisions

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* [http://www.timhunkin.com/ Tim Hunkin]
* [http://www.timhunkin.com/ Tim Hunkin]
* [http://robinince.com/ Robin Ince]
* [http://robinince.com/ Robin Ince]
* [http://www.badscience.net/ Ben Goldacre]


Revision as of 16:54, 6 August 2013

This is an ad-hoc list of people that we'd like to invite to talk. These are big name people who we need to talk to early before their schedule fills up and possibly arrange things for (if that's something we want to do).

If you don't agree with a person move them to the 'Disagree' list and add a comment somewhere about why.

The List
