
From Electromagnetic Field
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Villages are camps organised around a theme, it could be anything, but is often a location or a topic (e.g. lock-picking).

By organising villages ahead of time we can help provide better equipment (e.g. large tents to use) as well as making sure that they have an area ahead of time.

If you have a village please add it here.

milliways village

(a lot of the following is stolen from the OHM2013 wiki, Credits and thx to them :-)

What's a village?

For those first attending to an event like EMF Camp the phrase village might be a unknown subject. But, it's actually quite easy. A village is a spot at the campsite, where you and a bunch of other people with a like-minded set of interests camp together. You can bring a large tent, a sort of "family room" to set up your gear and work on your projects. You can even organize your own workshops and lectures for other volunteers to attend. And of course, share all the fun together!

If you have any questions, please mail to

Village Tent Rental

We might have rental tents. Further information is coming up.

For information, please contact

Mailing list

One inhabitant of each village can already subscribe to the general emf camp list.


If you are planning a village, you might want to check out FAQ of Villages.


Please include the following template to your Village-page or use the has default form::Village Form:

{{Infobox Village
|Short discription=

If you automaticly want to add your inhabitants, pleas add the following template:

([{{fullurl:{{FULLPAGENAME}}|action=purge}} refresh table])