EMF Sci Fi Film
Let's make a collaborative Sci-Fi film at EMF!
The committee have accepted a proposal to make a collaborative Sci-Fi film at EMF. Rather than get in peoples faces whilst they're enjoying the festival, I thought it would be cool to use the festival as a backdrop and let people who want to join in take part.
Here's an example of the sort of thing I've done before with friends in 48 hours from script writing to final product. To make this happen I need to find some money to pay the actor and also some how get them up to the event, as well as find a few last items of kit.
Since so much of this film is going to be arranged in a bit of a rush now, I want to make sure we have a great actor available from the outset. James Sobol Kelly is on board and dead keen, but I do need to find enough money to make sure he can afford to do this with us.
Some people have already very kindly offered to help out with costs, if you are able to get involved with this please edit the text below to make pledges.
Pledges (Please edit below if you would like to help make this happen) (To get involved in a non-financial sense, please see EMF_Sci_Fi_Film_Production_Coordination)
- £amount -- Credited Name "Thing you would like against your credit"
- £ 50 -- me
- £ 50 -- AV
- £ 50 -- Sam Cook
- £ 50 -- Tom Bird "Marmots for Culture"
- £ ? -- Will Hargrave
- £ ? -- Fearghas McKay
Current Total £200 + ?