Traditional Dutch Cooking Workshops and Nomzing
We'll be cooking some traditional Dutch dishes at Camp Holland. Why? Because we can, and sharing food is fun!
We'll cook food, tell you how to make it yourself, and let you eat it.
Please pledge to pay and be present by putting your name in the tables below, and sending an e-mail to diggie@ohm2013 so he can send you a payment request. Please do this before 25 August, so we know how much food to bring over from #Holland
Somewhere near Camp Holland. We'll let you know.
Friday: King-size pannenkoeken (Dutch pancakes)
Type: Workshop & pancake party
Start time: Around 17:00 GMT
Price: £ 2 per pancake (∅42 cm!! These easily feed one generic-sized adult)
Status: Not enough pledges yet (Pledge below!)
Toppings include bacon, cheese, strawberry jam, stroop, sugar, etc.
User |
diggie |
Jos |
(Your name here...) |
Saturday: Frituur (deep-fried stuff)
Type: Snackbar
Time: Around 18:00 GMT
Price: £ 4 per person (all you can eat)
Status: Pretty sure this will happen
As common as pie in The Netherlands, we'll make fries, kroketten, frikandellen, kaassouffle's. With real Dutch Mayonnaise.
User |
diggie |
Jos |
Sunday (afternoon): Erwtensoep (Green pea soup)
Type: Workshop & tasting session
Start time: Around 15:00 GMT (it needs some time to cook)
Price: £ 2 per participant (you'll get at least one portion of the soup)
Status: Not enough pledges yet (Pledge below!)
With rookworst, bacon, roggebrood with cooked bacon, and much more
User |
diggie |
Jos |
(Your name here...) |
Sunday (evening): Braai (BBQ)
Type: Just eating (gezellig!)
Time: Around 19:00 GMT or so
Price: £ 10 per participant (all you can eat)
Status: This will happen
User |
diggie |
Jos |
(Your name here...) |