Electromagnetic Field 2014 Workshops
Workshops are interactive events where you are expected to participate, learn, teach, and have a lot of fun. They range from lockpicking, soldering, debating, pentesting to robotics, making chiptunes and more.
Planned workshops
No workshops have been confirmed yet, watch this page for updates on this topic!
Want to give a workshop?
If you are interested in giving a workshop, please let us know on IRC and/or by adding an entry to this wiki page, like this:
Workshop Name: Example workshop
Contact: Mr Foo,, 'foo' on IRC
Participants: 5 to 10
Estimated Duration: 1 hour
Description: This workshop will involve water, unicorns and lots of blinkenlights.
Prerequisites: No special skills needed, but bring swimwear!
Workshops we'd like to see (suggestions)
- More blacksmithery (as per 2012)
- How to make a Klein bottle
- Green woodworking ([this sort of thing])
- The headhacking guy
- How to butcher a rabbit
- Stained glass
- Knitting
- Jewelry making (silver clay etc.)
Workshops awaiting official approval
Workshop Name: IPv6 Beginners Workshop
Contact: danrl
Participants: up to 8, no more, sorry! please signup (signup process tbd)
Estimated Duration: 2-3 hours
Description: We will discover the new Internet Protocol learning about its basics, features and general handling. This workshop is targeted at beginners. Please bring a computer with VirtualBox installed. A basic knowledge about the Internet and IPv4 is recommended. Please also consider attending the advanced IPv6 workshop, if you liked the beginners course.
Prerequisites: Please download virtual machine images from $tbd _before_ going to the workshop!
Workshop Name: IPv6 Advanced Users Workshop
Contact: danrl
Participants: up to 8, no more, sorry! please signup (signup process tbd)
Estimated Duration: 2-3 hours
Description: We will dig deeper into the new Internet Protocol learning about its advanced features, about transition technologies and security issues. This workshop is targeted at advanced users or people who attended the beginners course. The workshop is based on the book IPv6-Workshop and further material from the speakers work as a consultant. A basic knowledge about IPv6 is required. Please also consider attending the beginners course if you do not have a basic understanding of IPv6 yet. Please bring a computer with VirtualBox installed.
Prerequisites: Please download virtual machine images from $tbd _before_ going to the workshop!