TiLDA MKe - the dream

From Electromagnetic Field
Revision as of 14:05, 2 June 2014 by Thinkl33t (talk | contribs)
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The TiLDA mk2 project, Code name "ElectroMagnetic Boogaloo", is being headed by Charles, Bob and 'RepRap' Matt
If you wish to chat about the badge head over to the ##tilda IRC channel on freenode


The main aim of the 2014 badge is to give camp attendees live schedule updates and notifications. As with the original TiLDA we wanted to keep with an Arduino compatible platform that will allow badge hacking during and after the camp. As with previous badge all code and design files are available. Work can be found here on github.com/EMF-TiLDA

Features and Functions

A initial planing session was held during the Newcastle MakerFaire 2013, during which a list of essential features was decide upon along with a big list of shiny, mad ideas that may happen depending on budge and time.
The notes from that session can be found here TiLDA 2/Ideas List


The following are considers core things that the badge must do for EMF2014

  • Receive and display announcements on talks scheduling
    • user registers their lanyard and which talks/workshops they are interested in on the emf web site
    • lanyard’s registered for talks receives reminders and notice of when and where a talk will be especially important if a talk is moved (time/location)
  • IR interaction
    • could be used for business card mode, allow users to exchange info at push of a bottom
    • games
    • talking to TiLDA or SiNE
  • Torch Mode
    • One of the side effect of the two RGB LED's on TiLDA was they made a great torch
  • Arduino Compatible
  • Work during the event and be useful afterwards
    • Battery voltage measurement and display, Charging management

Nice to have

The following are things that we hope to implement if we have the time and budget.

  • Locations tracking
    • By looking at which gateway the badge is talking to we can get a ruff idea of where on the camp site a badge is located
  • Send text to it, not just talks (SMS you friends badge?)
    • we will have a screen and ability to display text, so sending something to a other set badge should be easy.
  • Use the spearks as a PA system, (download recorded WAV over network then synced playback start)
  • TiLDA ad SiNE reprogramming
    • If we can develop some new firmware to go on SiNE or TiLDA, we might be able to reprogram them from Mk2 by jumping the ISP headers together
  • TTS https://github.com/going-digital/Talkie


The following hardware has been included on the badge.

  • Atmel ATSAM3X8E
    • This is the same chip as the Arduino Due and gives us the base platform for the badge
    • 32bit ARM Cortex M3 * 84MHz
    • 512KBytes Flash RAM
    • 96KBytes of SRAM
  • Repaper 2.7" ePaper display
    • a-Si TFT active matrix Electronic Paper Display(EPD)
    • Resolution: 264 x 176
    • Ultra low power consumption
    • Super Wide Viewing Angle - near 180°
    • Extra thin & light
    • SPI interface
    • Outline Dimension 70.42 x 45.80 mm
    • Active Area 57.288 x 38.192 mm
  • Ciseco SRF Radio
    • 868Mhz RF Transceiver
    • Simple UART interface
    • Low power sleep mode
  • MPU-6050 3-axis Accelerometer and 3-axis gyro
    • I2C interface
    • Tri-Axis angular rate sensor (gyro) with a sensitivity up to 131 LSBs/dps and a full-scale range of ±250, ±500, ±1000, and ±2000dps
    • Tri-Axis accelerometer with a programmable full scale range of ±2g, ±4g, ±8g and ±16g
    • Digital Motion Processing™ (DMP™) engine offloads complex MotionFusion, sensor timing synchronization and gesture detection
  • PMIC & LiPo
  • Joystick
  • Buttons
  • RGB LED's
  • IR
  • Arduino Headers


Design for the badge prototype v0.1 was finished on 4th Jan, files are on GitHub. The aim is to have 2-3 PCB's made for testing and firmware development.


As yet there is no information on the final production board other than we expect to make around 1500 and have them ready at least 1.5 months before the event.


Badge Firmware


Server side


TiLDA Mk2 is base around the Arduino Due platform and this makes it easy to get started writing your own firmware from scratch.
Unlike the Due, TILDA is not just a bare board and it all ready has lots of hardware wired up to the pins. In order to help make things easier when working with the Arduino IDE we have definite our own board profile. This has a few tweaks to support the differences between Due and TiLDA Mk2 pin usage. It also include a lot of handy pin shortcuts to the TiLDA device pins.
So instead of having to go back to the TiLDA Mk2 Pin map and looking up just which digital pin controls the RED for LED1 you can just use LED1_RED in pinMode() and digitalWrite calls.

To use our board definition you will need to first get the Arduino 1.5.5 IDE from here
Next you can download the TiLDA Mk2 Firmware project from either the github repo or via direct download
Now copy the "hardware" folder to your Sketchbook folder, this is usually ~/Sketchbook/

Start the Arduino IDE and your will be able to select TiLDA Mk2 for the Tools->Board menu
