Village:Amateur Radio: Difference between revisions

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Line 211: Line 211:
| Aljaž
| Aljaž
| Yes
| data-sort-value="PD5KNR"| PD5KNR
| Knorrie
| Hans
| Learning stuff
| Yes
| Yes

Revision as of 20:30, 3 August 2016

[[Location::51.21250,-0.60941|]][[MapFix::51.21250,-0.60941~Amateur Radio~Ham radio at its finest.~Village-Amateur Radio.png|]]
Name::Amateur Radio

Village-Amateur Radio.png

Description [[Description::Ham radio at its finest.|]] Ham radio at its finest.
Contact Contact::User:M0TZO
Activities [[Activities::Demonstrations of Amateur Radio communication and possibly some contesting.|]]Demonstrations of Amateur Radio communication and possibly some contesting.
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{{#ask:Inhabitant of::Village:Amateur Radio

| mainlabel = User | ?Login#=login | ?Attendee_Name#=name |format=template |template=PictureWall |named args=yes |limit=1500 |sort=Attendee_Name }}

{{#ask:Inhabitant of::Village:Amateur Radio | mainlabel = User | ?#=page | ?Attendee_Name#=name | ?Arrival#-F[D M j G:i]=arrival | ?Departure#-F[D M j G:i]=departure | ?Bringing#=bringing | ?AttendeePagename#=attendeepagename |format=template |template=InhabitantList |introtemplate=InhabitantListIntro |outrotemplate=InhabitantListOutro |named args=yes |limit=1500 |sort=Attendee_Name }}

Amateur Radio

Quoting from Wikipedia Amateur Radio page "Amateur radio (also called "ham" radio) describes the use of radio frequency spectra for purposes of non-commercial exchange of messages, wireless experimentation, self-training, private recreation and emergency communication".

During EMF 2016 will shall be showcasing Amateur Radio on Bands from 3.5 MHz (80m) to 430MHz (70cm) and maybe higher. We'll also have a local frequency on either 144MHz (2m) &/or 430MHz (70cm) FM.

For reference, the EMF site in Guildford is at Gridsquare: IO91QF. WAB Square: SU94

Unique Hackerspace passport stamp available on site. Please ask for Paul M0TZO for the stamp in your passport.

Special Event Callsigns

Amateur Radio Village will be operating a special event station: GB4EMF
Another team will be the special event station: GB8EMF

Local Comms

145.425 / 433.425 simplex NFM (If in use by other Amateurs then please try 145.450 / 433.450)

Amateur Radio chat on IRC/Telegram/Facebook

We're using IRC and Telegram to organise the Amateur Radio Village, & you can find us on #emfhams on Freenode or our Telegram Group. The IRC channel and Telegram group are linked, so you can use either.

  • IRC Network - on port 6667 (non-SSL) or 6697 (SSL, recommended)
  • Channel - #emfhams
  • Username - Callsign or other username
  • Web Based Link to #emfhams - Webbased #emfhams channel
  • Connect through Tor (Instructions can be found here)
  • Join our Telegram Group (iPhone, Android Apps & Web Based)

There is also a Facebook group with pictures, videos and other bits:

Chat Members

Callsign* IRC Name First Name Role Ticket Notes
M6LPI M6LPI Neil   No  
MØRVM tgreer Thomas      
M0WPG paul-M0WPG Paul (another)   Yes Bringing Gazebo & SCAM12 mast
2M0STB irl Iain   No  
5Q5R mihtjel Rune      
MØNGY Filbert Jon   Yes  
M0RYS kraptv Ryan      
MM3ZRZ hibby/Røde Dave Buckfast Warrior Aye Manages Scottish Consulate, will have 5.4m mast in consulate
MØTZO MØTZO Paul Ham Village Lead Yes Bringing APRS kit, 2014 EMF Badge network, Handheld Radios and Cards Against Humanity (big set)
M0SPN M0SPN Steve   Yes  
DB1SQU SQUelcher Kai      
M0NIT M0NIT Jan      
M0PLL plett Paul (yet another one!)   Yes  
M0DLX Dominic Dominic   Yes Bringing IC-706, 2m/70cms beams, may enter contests
HB9EGM hb9egm Matthias     Doing DAB things
M0NIT jasiek Jan      
2E0TPS MatStace Mat   Yes Bringing couple of DMR handies (MD-380 and MD-390), arrow antenna and vx-8r for ISS APRS, and a pair of ft-817s to attempt to do something amsat based.
G6VZM g6vzm JJ Token old bloke with G- call to balance the inclusivity statistics. Yes Could bring FT-1000MP if shack is dry and secure, definitely FT-897D, 10m lightweight guyed mast, 2+70 yagis if required, organising (but not actual transporting) 50m RG213 from LHS and antenna cable believed to be 15-20m of RG-213.
M6KVA pe5er Peter Village First Aider Yes Bringing Kenwood TM-241E, Realtek SDRs, selection of DIY 2m antennas
MM0MRU WSPR Calum   Yes  
M1PFS M1PFS Pete   Yes SDR stuff and Raspberry Pi
M1DHL murb bill   Yes  
G0VQH jennyb Jenny   Yes Campervan + Large Tarheel. KX3+Pole+wire+gaffer tape for something creative;
IV3BSI g5pw Aljaž   Yes  
PD5KNR Knorrie Hans Learning stuff Yes  

* If you have a Callsign

Local Repeaters

List being updated

Repeater Output Recieve CTCSS/DMR Distance Notes
GB3GF 433.3000 434.9000 88.5Hz 1.9 miles FM voice
GB7GF 439.6875 430.6875 3 1.9 miles DMR
GB3HV 3408.000 1248.000   8.2 miles ATV
GB3FX 50.8100 51.3100 82.5Hz 8.7 miles FM voice
GB3FN 433.3750 434.9750 82.5Hz 8.7 miles FM voice
GB3FM 1297.0500 1291.0500 100.0Hz 8.7 miles FM voice
GB3BN 433.0000 434.6000 118.8Hz 14.7 miles FM voice, Echolink ID 1938
GB7EP 439.4000 430.4000 3 17.7 miles DMR
GB3SN 145.7250 145.1250 71.9Hz 19.5 miles FM voice
GB7ID 430.9750 438.5750 3 20.8 miles DMR

ISS Passes

There are quite a few ISS passes of which at least six are at high angle during hacker-friendly times:

Date Start Alt Az Highest Alt Az End Alt Az Pass type
05 Aug 19:30:38 10° SW 19:33:50 51° SSE 19:37:01 10° E daylight
05 Aug 21:06:56 10° W 21:10:12 81° N 21:13:28 10° E daylight
05 Aug 22:43:24 10° W 22:46:39 69° SSW 22:49:54 10° ESE visible
06 Aug 00:20:13 10° W 00:22:43 20° SW 00:25:12 10° SSE visible
06 Aug 18:37:56 10° SW 18:40:57 35° SSE 18:43:58 10° E daylight
06 Aug 20:13:57 10° W 0:17:13 89° N 20:20:30 10° E daylight
06 Aug 21:50:26 10° W 21:53:42 87° SSW 21:56:58 10° ESE visible
06 Aug 23:27:00 10° W 23:29:55 30° SSW 23:32:50 10° SSE visible
07 Aug 17:45:28 10° SSW 17:48:09 23° SE 17:50:49 10° E daylight
07 Aug 19:20:59 10° WSW 19:24:15 76° SSE 19:27:31 10° E daylight
07 Aug 20:57:27 10° W 21:00:43 83° N 21:03:59 10° E daylight
07 Aug 22:33:55 10° W 22:37:04 45° SSW 22:40:12 10° SE visible


There are a couple of contests on during EMF which we might want to put together a station for:

Also here nearer the time will be contest over the EMF Camp weekend 8 Day Contest Calendar


Some tasks may already be complete - if so please add owner/completion date. Otherwise feel free to take ownership.

Task* Owner Date Complete Notes
Contact RSGB News M0DLX 24/07/16 Sent item for special event stations
Contact RADCOM   Press release? Print deadline missed.
Contact GB2RS M0DLX 24/07/16 Sent item for special event stations
emfcamp M0DLX   Press release (Facebook/Twitter)?
Contact RSGB M0SPN 06/07/16 Requested promo paterial
Contact Yaesu M0SPN 06/07/16 Requested promo items & equipment loans
Contact Icom M0SPN 06/07/16 Requested promo items & equipment loans
Contact Kenwood M0SPN 06/07/16 Requested promo items & equipment loans
Contact Moonraker M0SPN 06/07/16 Requested antenna loans (for satellite)
Furniture   Organise loan/hire of tables & chairs
Equipment   Contact attendees and compile definitive radio/antenna/mast list
Event Write Up   Something to post on Social Media after event
Photos   Maybe have a Shared DropBox or space somewhere

Station Planning

Initial plan made from comments/equipment above. Please keep updated with offers/changes.

Bear in mind that this is an initial framework based on the offers of equipment received and the constraints of the site as best we can determine from Google/OS etc. It's quite likely to change on the day so please don't be surprised if you've offered equipment to do one thing but we suggest it's better for something else. If you have particular plans please raise it in the IRC channel.

HF Station

Function* Item Owner Notes
Transceiver Yaesu FT-1000 or FT-897 G6VZM (May swap G6VZM's FT-897 with M0PSN's FT-847 if appropriate) (M0PLL also has an FT-450D if that's useful)
PSU n/a n/a integral in both of above
Antenna doublet M0SPN will probably need a balun
Antenna 2 Mosley Mini-33-aw M0WPG 5 band (20-10m),
Mast SCAM-12 M0WPG
Feeder Twin/Ladder Line JJ/plett/M0SPN and others 20m length (can be trimmed) - M0SPN
Other Logging computer? Data interface?
Antenna analyser MFJ 259 M0NGY
Antenna tuner LDG Z-11ProII M0DLX (won't be needed with those transceivers but useful to have around)

VHF/UHF Station

Function* Item Owner Notes
Transceiver Icom 706 MK1Ig M0DLX HF to 70cm
PSU ? M0DLX To power IC-706
Antenna 2/70 Beams M0DLX
Mast 10m lightweight telescopic G6VZM
Feeder PL259 or N-type (M0DLX has adapter for the former) G6VZM can potentially get some How long do we need?
Other Logging computer? Data interface?

Satellite (and ISS?) Station

Function* Item Owner Notes
Transceiver Yaesu FT-847 M0SPN [Or swapped with G6VZM's FT-897]
Antenna 2 & 70 ZL Specials on G-5500 Az/El rotator M0SPN
Mast 4(?) metre mast on tripod stand M0SPN
Feeder COAX M0SPN 2x 15m Aircell-5

Local Comms

For comms around the site, maybe a crossband repeater if handhelds can't reach from one side of the site to the other.

Function* Item Owner Notes
Transceiver FT8900 M0PLL (or maybe TM-V71, or maybe both)
Antenna X-50 co-linear clone M0PLL N-type
Mast 5.4m clansman mast MM0MRU
Feeder 10m RG213 M0PLL with N-types on both ends


Item* Owner Notes
Gazebo M0WPG 4.5M * 3M, has sides, tie downs.
Power Distribution M0WPG 25M 16A Hookup Cable, 16A 3 way splitter, 2 * 16A -> 10 UK Mains power strips
Rotator ? ?
Table and stools M0PLL One of these. 1.2m x 0.6m table with 4 folding stools
4x chairs M0DLX Two camping chairs, two folding wooden chairs
Camping lantern M0DLX Small, rechargeable


Item* Owner Notes
Assorted coax and connectors ...and a 50w soldering iron (50w minimum)
More tables and chairs
Display screens To display contacts, satellites etc (just an idea)
Fixed displays Some way to display printed material
Lighting For night!
Beer fridge M0PLL I will bring an electric coolbox to use as a beer chiller if people bring drinks they want cooling
Coffee machine Bean-to-cup
Moon-onna-stick Is anyone reading this? [I want a pony]
Mains cables everyone! You always need more 4-way bars than you have

Useful Links

GW6ITJ UK Band Plans USA Band Plans