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Please add links to photo albums, videos, etc.
Lots of stuff can be found on #emfcamp on Twitter, Facebook, Medium. The recorded talks are appearing on the CCC site and the emfcamp YouTube channel. They will eventually be linked to from the Talks page.
- TiLDA MKπ, The EMF Camp 2016 Badge (Hackaday)
- BBC World Service interview w/ Jonty at 14:30 (pre-camp)
- Rob Lazzurs on Medium: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3
- Christian Payne (@documentally): Storify; audio: Waking up in @EMFcamp Talking robots and @EMFcamp with @DrLucyRogers #emfcamp Reflecting on #emfcamp with @TomScott How Open Source helped @BenBobGray build a robot buisiness Picking locks with Nigel Tolley aka @DiscreetSecure #LockSport; video: Breakfast at @EMFcamp, @MarkMellors and @thisIsbighak, tattoo collection of hacker/artist @AdamMacadamia, Robot Arms tweet printer, lights on the hill, random tents, Steve Davies and his Teardrop Trailer, @benbobgray from @MeArmTM, @DrLucyRogers robot dinosaur, @Matt_Smith_Hux picking an Abloy Classic with his 'Ablator'
- Electromagnetic Field 2016 Flickr
- EMFCamp Flickr
- Adam Cohen-Rose's Flickr
- EMF Hams Facebook photo album
- Matt and Tom live tour
- Hebocon
- Meta Tron - A walk around the EMF Camp at night
- Dan Jenkins 'copter videos: edited raw 1 raw 2
- hobbybob123 - EMF Camp Saturday 'copter video
- Trikkit - Flames to music
- Ultrafez - LED sign
- Ben Norris: Giant Guitar Hero, Fire Pong, Lasers
- DeathBoy2098 - Musical Ballpit
Articles about particular content
- Element 14 - Making of The Grid
- Manoj Nathwani - Building a wearable camera
- MSRaynsford - EMF Camp Badge 1, 2, & 3
- Sam Machin - Nexmo and Tilda, the EMF Camp Badge