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Village ,|qwerty| qwerty}}


This is a hack to store some extra properties which are not visible on the page. This cannot be done with HTML comments, since they are stripped out on rendering the wiki syntax. AttendeePagename::KateBolinHomeSpace::SleepingWith::


Space monkey from the wilds of the Angeleno aerospace suburbs rocketed to the damp hideout of medieval hoodlums.

My cities have been a collection of Ns. North Long Beach, New Orleans, Nottingham.

Discovered my future when a friend sat me down at a VAX terminal and telnetted into a MUD. Now spend my days building and breaking websites for fun and profit. Not to mention co-opting intellectual property as my dollhouse.

Owns a goldfish named after a TV host and a growing collection of yarn. Build shrines and tableaux wherever I go, because they can’t stay in their original packaging.



  • Knitting
  • Writing
  • Shouting
  • Boring people about hackspaces


Find me at Village:Nottinghack

Online Location