
From Electromagnetic Field
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Organising & scheduling talks, workshops, installations, music. Outreach to potential speakers & performers. Supporting speakers & performers on site.
Lead(s) Jonty
Deputy SamLR, Dominicgs
This team needs volunteers

Team members

{{#ask: Team::Team:Team:Content | mainlabel = User | ?Attendee_Name=Name | ?Email | ?Arrival | ?Departure }} (refresh table)

We need help with

  • Organising the music programme
  • Finding & reaching out to potential speakers
  • Helping review CFP submissions
  • Assisting & managing speakers / performers on-site
  • Coordinating installations


SpeakerOps - taking care of speakers, making sure they have all they need, know where to go, introducing their talk & co-ordinating questions etc.) is now part of Content. To find out more about SpeakerOps and what it involves please have a look at the page on (you guessed it) SpeakerOps. SpeakerOps is good fun and volunteers to help out are most welcome. Training and full support is available so you'll be confident and comfortable in the role. Also ideal if you'd like to get experience of being on stage in front of the friendly EMF audience if you've got ideas of giving a full talk yourself in the future.

Content Team

This is the rough guide for how the content team functions. If you have any questions, ask Jonty or one of the Orga.

The content team goes through several phases.

  1. CFP & Outreach
  2. Speaker selection & confirmation
  3. Handover talk/workshop content to Speaker Ops
  4. Manage installations
  5. Post-event feedback

In general, all work around content before and after the event is dealt with by the content team in general, and all work around content during the event is managed by speaker ops. The speaker ops team may also handle requirements gathering from speakers, and organise transport for speakers.

Communication and resources

  • We have a shared google drive folder for all content documentation for the current event, and we can share access to the same documents for all previous events.
  • There is a content channel on IRC for chatting between the team, and we can give you an account if you are not already familiar with IRC.
  • The main EMF website hosts all CFP content & scheduling, and you can have access to this granted by one of the Org team.
  • We have several shared email inboxes (such as content@, installations@) hosted on Helpmonks, again you can have access to these granted by one of the Org team.

Types of content

EMF is made up of many different types of content and the Content team facilitates all of these, both organising them (where needed) and ensuring they are discoverable.

In general 80% of the content at EMF comes from the CFP, and 20% comes from people we invite as part of our outreach. The speakers that we outreach to are suggested by attendees and the org team, and for (generally famous) speakers who would not attend EMF otherwise we may go out of our way to secure their attendance (by offering free tickets, etc) however we minimise this and it is at the discretion of the org team.


  • Talks are sourced through the CFP and by inviting speakers. Generally we will ask invited speakers to fill in the CFP to track everything.
  • Talks are hosted on one of the main stages.
  • Talks that are not from invited speakers are anonymised and go through the full CFP review process by the review panel.
  • Talks from invited speakers are inputted into the CFP, but they may be manually approved by the Content team instead of going through the review process.
  • We offer free day tickets or 1/3 off regular tickets for the speaker and one other person. More may be approved at the discretion of the Content team.


  • Workshops are sourced through the CFP and by inviting speakers. Generally we will ask invited speakers to fill in the CFP to track everything.
  • Workshops are hosted in a workshop tent, but they may also be hosted by a village.
  • Workshops that are not from invited speakers are anonymised and go through the full CFP review process by the review panel.
  • Workshops from invited speakers are inputted into the CFP, but they may be manually approved by the Content team instead of going through the review process.
  • We offer free day tickets or 1/3 off regular tickets for the speaker and one other person. More may be approved at the discretion of the Content team.


  • Installations are sourced through the CFP and by inviting people. Generally we will ask for invitees to fill in the CFP to track everything, however when this does not make sense (or the content team does not really need to know about the installation) we may simply tell the creator that they can bring it anyway.
  • Installations may be installed anywhere on site, and may be requested by subteams for their area - such as the bar, cybar, or lounge.
  • I
  • We offer free day tickets or 1/3 off regular tickets for the speaker and one other person. More may be approved at the discretion of the Content team.

Youth Workshops


Village Content


1. CFP & Outreach

  • We update the CFP process ( and ensure feedback on the process has been taken into account from the previous event.
  • We