
From Electromagnetic Field 2022
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Providing tasty beverages

EMF Volunteer role page

What we do

The team is collectively responsible for obtaining the license, logistics, setup, staffing and running of the bars throughout the event.

Team members

(refresh table)

Bar staff

The are only two pre-requisites to volunteering as bar staff, first you must be over 18 as this is a legal requirement for selling alcohol which is a large part of the role, and second that you are willing to learn.

What do you get in return?

There are loads of benefits to volunteering on the EMF bar:

  1. Serving your fellow festival-goers and working with a team of volunteers in the fast paced environment behind the bar is a great way to meet new people and socialise, it doesn’t really feel like work at all.
  2. It’s a great way to learn how to work on a bar and get experience if you ever fancy a career change! We’ll teach you everything you need to know on the job, it’s really easy once you get started.
  3. Usually the bar shifts are pretty short so they’re easy to fit in with other things you might want to do, you can even pop back later and help out if there’s a big queue, and help get your friends served quicker.

Working behind the bar is loads of fun, it’s not hard work, and without lovely people like you we’d have no bar, so volunteer for a shift or two, or even three!