Things To Do

From Electromagnetic Field 2024
Revision as of 17:04, 27 May 2024 by Dave1010 (talk | contribs) (More links)

There's lots to to at Electromagnetic Field!

This page serves as a checklist of ideas. See how many you can do.

Scheduled events

First of all, view the official schedule. Make sure you're signed in to the website, then you can favourite events.


Make use of the map and wander around the site.


Don't forget to eat, drink and sleep. There's food trucks, a bar and tents.

Get involved

  • Volunteer
  • Edit the Wiki (for example this page!)
  • Post online. #emfcamp #emfcamp2024
  • Join IRC #emfcamp

Official venues

  • Play games in the Arcade
  • Watch a Film in stage C
  • Lounge in the Lounge
  • Family Lounge in the Family Lounge
  • Pick up your badge from the Badge tent
  • Explore the Night market in the Null Zone
  • Swap something at the Swap shop


Across the site


There are various things to do across Electromagnetic Field, many of which are ran by villages.

  • Say hello to the Ducks by the lake