
From Electromagnetic Field
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Sneakernet Logo

The Sneakernet gives you an opportunity to send items within and beyond the Electromagnetic Field site. Drop your postcard, letter or small parcel into one of the mailboxes and it will be delivered for you to any registered village. If it has a stamp and address, it will be delivered to the nearest Post Office for the next step in its journey.

Sending your mail via the Sneakernet

Drop your postcard, letter or small parcel in one of the mailboxes around the site. Make sure it is clearly labeled with the village you wish it to go to! If you wish to send an item via the UK postal service, attach the correct postage and it will be taken to the nearest post office for you at the end of the festival.

Village-Camp Postal.jpeg


All items sent at your own risk. We are not responsible for loss and/or damage. Parcels that will not fit in a mailbox will not be accepted.

Join the Sneakernet

To receive sneaker-mail delivered to your village during the festival:

  • Register your village on this wiki page
  • Attach an A4 or larger sign to a lighting pole beside the road or track nearest your village which clearly shows:
    • the sneakernet logo
    • your village name
  • And attach a mailbox underneath your sign, which is:
    • waterproof
    • easy to open/close
    • can contain a package the size of ream of A4 paper

List of villages on the Sneakernet