The Northern Quarter

From Electromagnetic Field 2024
Revision as of 20:30, 22 March 2024 by M0VNA (talk | contribs) (Grammar)
The Northern Quarter

Village-The Northern Quarter.png

Description The village where Maker Space members (of Newcastle and Gateshead) and friends will be gathering.
Contact User:Alistair
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This is the village where Maker Space members (of Newcastle and Gateshead) and friends will be gathering.

  • Flat caps optional
  • Being nice un-optional
  • If you really must be on fire the please do it responsibly.

This year we will be extending the gazebo "chillout" area, bringing more radio equipment to demonstrate and experiment with, the original PDT (power distribution tent) returns after repair, and there will be tea. Lots of tea. We are big on tea.


You can call our village on (number to come). If you want to call a villager directly then our numbers can be found on the Eventphone telephone directory. We will also have a fax line (number to come).

Planning has been done on the Matrix "Maker Space EMF Camp" Room. If you are part of the village and don't have access then please ask. We will continue to use this thought the event for village stuff. Those with radio licences will also be using DMR radio through the GB7NQ repeater (details below).

Creating EMF at EMF

The amateur radio DMR/Pager/LoRa services we created for 2022 will return with the following (hopefully) familiar systems:

GB7NQ - EMF Camp's DMR repeater with 2 timeslots of voice and messaging goodness linked to Brandmeister
MB7PMF - Dan's Paging transmitter linked to DAPNET for personal alerts and keeping abreast of the EMF program
MB7ULG - An APRS gateway with a difference (it uses LoRa so bring those spare 433MHz T-Beam boards)

We are planning on associating some MQTT action and visual displays with the above to add additional makeresque interest ;-)

[If you are new to amateur radio and think you might want to try out any of our toys then grab yourself an amateur foundation license before emf (they can now be taken on line courtesy of the RSGB) and a DMR radio / alphapoc page / 433MHz T-Beam off one of the auction sites (a cheapie Baofeng DMR handheld radio will be just fine so long as its Tier 2 capable)]