
From Electromagnetic Field 2024
Revision as of 14:55, 27 May 2024 by Andypiper (talk | contribs) (added 3d print stuff)
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Andy Piper
Talk ~ Sandbox ~ Contributions

GoM / Lucy




Second time at EMF.

I'll be speaking about the history of computer art (and primarily pen plotters) on Sunday at 11.10 (I recently gave a longer version of this talk as the closing keynote at QCon London)

We have a live-in vehicle and are affiliated with Guild of Makers/Friends of Dr Lucy Rogers so will try to be somewhere near to them.

Other interesting (?) things about me:

  • I'm one-half of a small maker studio: Forge & Craft
    • we will be in the Night Marker in Null Sector on Friday night selling our pen plotter art
  • I help with a bi-weekly maker meetup called Makeroni
  • I run Developer Relations for the Mastodon project.

Interested in the Fediverse chatter about EMF 2024? Here's where you can follow it!

I made a collection of a few interesting 3D models for the Tildagon badge.