Furry High Commission

From Electromagnetic Field 2024
Furry High Commission


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Description Information and co-ordination page for the Furry High Commission village
Contact User:Tryst
Activities Costume changing room, workshops, free to use kitchen
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What is "furry"?

Furry is a fandom for people who are enthusiastic about fictional characters that have anthropomorphic characteristics, like from cartoons and other media. Some of these people create their own characters, referred to as "fursonas".

People in the furry fandom ("furries") are a varied bunch, however some careers and interests (like tech and engineering) are prevalent. There are also a lot of artists and other creatives who are drawn to the fandom for its aesthetic.

What is the Furry High Commission?

The Furry High Commission (FHC) is a village that acts as a centre of activity for furries attending EMF. It is primarily a meeting and social point, and offers a changing room for getting into and out of costume, as well as other facilities that we've found to be useful and popular in EMFs past.

The FHC follows the EMF village tradition of naming itself after a consular mission.


These people have confirmed that they will be attending EMF and are loosely associated with the FHC:

Name Arriving Leaving Comments
Tryst Early Late Brings a lot of stuff. Call sign M0TRY. Tracks busses with Q.
Olefin Early Late Traveling with Tryst. Call sign M0/VA3MOO. Canadian.
Jason Alexander Early Late Will be mostly found at Nottinghack village helping various things. Callsign 2E0FIU.