Community Blanket

From Electromagnetic Field 2024
Revision as of 08:58, 11 May 2024 by Elichad (talk | contribs)

A project to build a crochet/knit blanket out of contributions from the EMF community. Hosted in Tekhnē-cal Village and run by Eli. Contributions welcome no matter your experience level, age, or (dis)abilities - we will do everything we can to accommodate you.

More information at, including contribution guidelines.

Live updates at

Help wanted

Yarn Stash

If you have spare yarn between DK and chunky weight (4.0-6.0mm hooks/needles) that you are willing to donate to the project or trade with other attendees, please add your name to the table with what you can bring!

Yarn contributors
Name Arriving What you'll bring
Eli Thursday Acrylic DK in ~15 colours

Specific Squares

Looking for experienced contributors to make one square for each character in "EMF2024". How you form the letter is up to you (colourwork, surface crochet, embroidery, etc) as long as the contribution meets the guidelines.

Claim a letter
Character Name
E Eli