
From Electromagnetic Field 2024


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Description Unaffiliated
Contact User:jonwood
Activities Socialising, meeting new people
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This village currently has 10 inhabitants. You can add yourself to a village's inhabitants list by editing your profile page, here (after creating an account, if you do not yet have one).

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A village for people without a village, if you're coming on your own and would like to meet a few people who are in the same situation add yourself to this page, and camp somewhere in the vicinity of the village's spot on the map.

Telegram group from the 2022 edition, can be reused this year: https://t.me/emf_unaffiliated

People Camping Here

Name Arriving Leaving Introduce yourself
Laurelin (Fodw) Thursday Monday Laurelin, from somewhere in England. First time at EMF. Film Camera Enjoyer
Bastiaan (BastiaanSlee) Thursday Monday Hello, Bastiaan here! I'm from The Netherlands and attending EMF for the second time. Made the camp part of a road-trip through the UK.
Ben (Bencc) Thursday Monday Hi, I'm Ben and I live in Canterbury. It's my first time at EMF. General purpose nerd, dabbler in electronics and poor quality code. I swear at computers for a living.
Ash (Ash) Thursday Monday Hi, my name's Ash, I'm from Halifax and an EMF first-timer. Coding-enjoyer and music-lover
Alasdair (AJRoss) Thursday Monday Hi, this'll be my 2nd time. I'm coming from London and interested in making anything and everything from electronics to leatherwork to a canoe.
David Thursday Monday
Iina Saturday Sunday
Bruce (FXB) Thursday Sunday Hi, I'm Bruce, general tinkerer and nerd, first timer, have wanted to attend EMF for years, finally had the chance this year.
Andy Fletcher (AndyF) Thursday Monday Solar geek :)